
Media Relations

Media Relations

Your Firm’s Role in Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Media CommentaryFeatured

Diversity and inclusion is a timely topic in the legal industry and in the media. In an often-cited 2016 article in the Atlantic, Adrienne LaFrance performed a scientific analysis of the list of the people she had quoted in her articles in the course of a year. She found, to her consternation, that like many other journalists, she had predominantly quoted men – in her case, about 75 percent of the time. She reflected, I’m not excluding women on purpose, but I can’t say it’s an accident, either. Reporters choose whom to interview. We carefully parcel out our time as we work toward deadlines. I spent several weeks working on this story about self-driving cars, for instance, and it occurred to me as I was reporting that I hadn’t interviewed any women. LaFrance had done the same type of analysis of her work in 2013, and it turned out that three years later, she hadn’t…

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Media Relations, Public Relations

The Real Reason Partners Leave Law Firms

This interesting article written by Roy Strom for Bloomberg Big Law Business this month points to some provocative suggestions from law firm leaders as to why partners or groups of attorneys leave large firms, often at their firm’s request, and move laterally to other firms. A key question is what the firms should tell the press, which is interested in the reasons behind any departure in what Strom calls Big Law’s Free Agent Era. Strom says that a common response from law firm managing partners these days to requests for comment is that lawyers move on because they’ve been told that they’re no longer part of their firm’s strategic plan. He says that’s a fairly new idea in the law firm world that firms develop strategic plans and execute on them to the extent that they let groups of partners go if they don’t fit the plan. I don’t necessarily disagree with this type of…

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Your Firm’s Role in Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Media Commentary
November 15, 2019
Setting Ground Rules for a Reporter Interviews
January 30, 2019
What to do When You’re Not Happy With the Reporting
January 15, 2019
Media Relations, Media Training

Setting Ground Rules for a Reporter Interviews

Most PR people know about setting ground rules for a reporter interview, but most attorneys probably don’t. The vast majority of the time, you won’t need them, but there are times when ground rules can be indispensable. “Ground rules” is originally a baseball term that refers to the rules that apply to specific ball parks, or grounds. Those rules are set in advance of the game or the season, and they specify what the result is, say, if a ball hits the edge of a fence or if it lodges in ivy on the wall. In PR, “ground rules” refers to the terms of an interview, also set in advance. What statements by the subject of the interview can be used? What topics are off limits? What answers will be off the record? Is the whole conversation off the record? If you as a PR person think that a reporter…

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Your Firm’s Role in Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Media Commentary
November 15, 2019
The Real Reason Partners Leave Law Firms
October 10, 2019
What to do When You’re Not Happy With the Reporting
January 15, 2019
Media Relations, Media Training

What to do When You’re Not Happy With the Reporting

All PR people have been in this situation: You work hard to pitch a good story or set up a good interview, and a journalist responds to your pitch and seems to be ready to publish something. But at some point before the piece is published, you get the sense that your efforts are being “rewarded” with a story that isn’t going to go the way you want it to. The reporter may be taking an angle that is unfavorable to your client or may be de-emphasizing your client’s point of view. The situation may not be your fault, but the lawyer or the law firm isn’t going to be interested in hearing about that. What should you do, and what should you not do? Do go directly to the reporter on the story in a timely manner with a phone call that is pointed but polite. Ask her if…

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Your Firm’s Role in Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Media Commentary
November 15, 2019
The Real Reason Partners Leave Law Firms
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Setting Ground Rules for a Reporter Interviews
January 30, 2019