

Events, Media Relations, Media Strategy, Public Relations, Public Relations Strategy

You’re Invited to Promote This

At the Legal Marketing Association conference in New Orleans in early April, the PR Pre Conference hosted a panel, “You’re Invited to Promote This.” The discussion centered on how law firms can generate their own PR from events they host or produce. Moderated by Elizabeth Lampert, president of Elizabeth Lampert PR, Carrie Brunelle from Baretz + Brunelle; Royal Simpkins, director of branding and communication at Bryan Cave LLP; and Anne Gallagher, director of global communications at Jenner & Block LLP shared their experiences with event PR. The speakers pointed out that just like most PR matters, this type of promotion is far from an exact science. A firm can spend a good deal of money and time promoting an event or a theme and can gain a commitment from a reporter – but the reporter might fail to show up or to pursue the lead because of factors that are out…

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Hosting an event? Invite a professional photographer
December 7, 2016
Events, Visuals

Hosting an event? Invite a professional photographer

I’ve written a good amount about the changes in the media scene and the practice of public relations that are constantly affecting our daily responsibilities. One thing that never changes is the necessity of quality video and photography. Not all reporters have the interest or the time to attend your events, but they will do a post-event story if you can provide a thorough write up and quality photos with detailed captions. Besides the written content, delivering quality photos is your responsibility as well. That means you have to ensure whoever you appoint to take photos, gets exactly what you want and what can be publishable. Consider it a part of your event budget. It would be a huge mistake to trust your photography to a firm employee, say a marketing assistant with no photography experience. Even worse is giving an attorney the responsibility when he or she has to…

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You’re Invited to Promote This
April 23, 2018