

Bios, Writing, Writing Advice

It’s Time to Refresh Your Bio

Time changes. Another birthday passes. A new year. These are perfect reminders to revisit your bio to make sure it’s updated. As professional communicator, I am often asked about the best steps to communicate effectively with prospective clients. I always suggest starting with the bio. Whether it’s for a firm’s website or LinkedIn, the bio the first place people go when they get your name from a referral. Every study of law firm websites has concluded that, beyond the home page, the lawyers’ biographical pages are the most visited pages on the site. That’s because, with a few exceptions, people don’t hire law firms. They hire lawyers, who, after all, are human beings, and they want to know whether you are the right person to fix their business problem. That means the bio is your first and probably your only chance to make a good impression. So you should review it a…

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Love your Bio: It’s Your best PR Tool

Your bio is your Valentine. You may not realize it but it is your best PR tool that if updated regularly, can show you love all year long. Clients often say it is the first way (after a recommendation has been made) for your qualifications and accomplishments to become known to that prospective client. The same holds true when a member of the press, or the public wants to know more about you. Studies show that attorney bios are the best-read portion of any law firm website, generating more than 50 percent of all page views on those sites. Now that is love. The bio is the place where every lawyer can become noticed. Think about it for a moment; in 1994, when there were essentially no law firm websites, lawyers relied on printed books that only were updated once a year (or a CD-ROM) in the form of static…

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It’s Time to Refresh Your Bio
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Is Your Outdated Bio Costing You Opportunities?
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Bios, Business Development

Is Your Outdated Bio Costing You Opportunities?

A timely topic or news story is the core of what PR professionals use to secure an opportunity. What accompanies that pitch more often than anything else is an attorney’s bio describing his or her experience related to that pitch. Yet, that bio can be the most ignored piece of content on a law firm website. Lawyers often neglect keeping their bios fresh, let alone updating them on a regular basis. As a result, not only are PR opportunities missed because reporters can’t find sources when searching a site, but new business opportunities are missed because a potential new client is looking at stale information. Nancy Slome, a principal at One to One Interactive, says the most important aspect of any law firm website is well written and updated attorney bios. Nancy recently spoke at the Legal Marketing Association’s Bay Area Tech Conference about the importance of keeping an attorney’s professional…

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It’s Time to Refresh Your Bio
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Love your Bio: It’s Your best PR Tool
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